Module 2 - Cartography - The Significance of Color

 Our second module was mostly about how to format a map and how to make effective formatting decisions. While it was more time-consuming than the last lab, it was fun manipulating the map elements and playing with the settings to shift how I portrayed the same information. 

The lab emphasized the importance of color choice, especially focusing on functionality and symbolism. I felt it was important to make the map simple, but interesting. One example of how I implemented that idea is my choice of color for Escambia County in the main map frame. I wanted a color that was bright, but not overpowering, so as to draw the eye without distracting from the main focus (the UWF campus location). In the end, I chose this light green because it contrasted well with the surrounding grey but didn't blend in or distract from the yellow star symbolizing the UWF campus. I'm pleased with the result, and I'm excited to use all that I've learned this week in future labs as well as other graphics and presentations.


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